I have yet to find a more reliable tool for teaching my daughters then modeling the behavior and thought patterns I think are wise. I wish “Do as I say, not as I do,” worked as well, but I imagine this is God’s way of making sure there is a beneficial change not only in my daughters but in me as well. (Yes, I did sigh at the end of that sentence.) It isn’t fun to look at your own short-comings. If I hadn’t recently been advised NOT to include music on my blog I totally would have added “Man in the Mirror” to this post.
I thought it would be a great idea to share the books that have changed us and made us better women, wives, moms, and daughters of God. So in no particular order this is my list of must-reads.
- Captivating by Staci and Todd Eldridge
: This book validated so many of my more feminine traits that I knew were there for a reason, and gave me the reason God gave them to me. What better way to know and serve God than to use the very tools he created me with?
- Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
: My oldest and I are reading this book together (actually, she just finished and I am lagging behind a couple chapters). This book was written by teens for teens; to tell them there is no such thing as teens…and it is awesome. Do not settle for low expectations in “teens”, and don’t let your “teen” settle for them either. A very practical and inspiring read for both my daughter and me.
- The Divine Dance by Shannon Kubiak
: She gets me. This is my other choice for understanding how and why women tick and why God made us that way. How can I possibly model to my daughters what it means to be a healthy semi-well-adjusted woman until I can get there myself? I read this book every 3-5 years and it gets better every time.
- The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn:
A book that makes the study of Logic reasonable even for someone who has never studied it. The subtitle says it all, “Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning.” I need those lessons and so do my daughters if we are to be in this world but not of it.
- The Bible by God: This should be an easy explanation; after all, this post is about Godly wisdom. However, if you haven’t read the Bible much yet it can be hard to pick it up and start seeing the application of thousand year old wisdom. The Bible isn’t an easy read. God didn’t dictate His book to the prophets in picture book format. What can help make it more easily digested? Prayer will certainly help! Finding a good church with lots of people to love on you and mentor you would be great too.
I went into the blog’s settings and made some changes. Anyone can leave a comment now so you don’t have to be a registered user. What books have changed you for the better? I only have four books I am currently trying to work my way through. I need a few more suggestions.
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