Thanks for giving me the extra day to post this week. I am feeling much better and I am able to see today. :)
Adolescents will begin to realize that relationships are more complex than they had previously thought. Perhaps they start to see that all the “popular” kids have some similarities; character traits or materials possessions. Our daughters may not voice the words but a struggle to understand power begins before they become adults. Who has power? Why do they have it? How can I get it? As intuitively as this seems to happen, what most youth are missing is what power struggles have to do with why they are drawn to certain types of fiction.
Adolescents will begin to realize that relationships are more complex than they had previously thought. Perhaps they start to see that all the “popular” kids have some similarities; character traits or materials possessions. Our daughters may not voice the words but a struggle to understand power begins before they become adults. Who has power? Why do they have it? How can I get it? As intuitively as this seems to happen, what most youth are missing is what power struggles have to do with why they are drawn to certain types of fiction.
There are multiple layers of hierarchy in the world; power and respect are a result of these layers. When we talk respectfully to or about our elders or bosses, we model to our daughters. When we discipline our daughters in love over our concern for their character, rather than in anger to stop them from annoying us, we need to point out that we are obeying the hierarchy that God has set before us. I know that it was a great break-through for my daughter and I when I showed her some carefully screened pages of my girlhood journal. She was encouraged to see that I struggled with many of the same things that make her angry or frustrated. I suppose she thought if I could turn out alright, she would do fine too. When we allow our daughters to see our reconciliation with God or others, we demonstrate the importance of our submission to proper hierarchies.
It does seem to be almost a teenage rite of passage to go through a stage where you are firmly convinced you are more mature and wise than your parents give you credit for; you are not an average teen and they are holding you back. In general, I would agree with this assessment (read Do Hard Things
to see what I mean) but unfortunately our culture is not set up to reward teens who do rise up to demonstrate true maturity. Our daughters may not realize that they will be drawn to fiction that idealizes that which they can control, such as self-sufficiency, or that takes the control out of anyone’s hands, such as luck.
This rebellion from “oppressive” authority easily mirrors the one we will continue to have with God the rest of our lives. We will go through stages of questioning why prayers weren’t answered the way we thought they should go, why we are in a particular season in life we don’t like, or become impatient for God to answer (we’ve been praying for days/weeks now!). Adults are not immune to rebellion and we often think we know better than God about when or what is to be done. Have patience with your daughter and love her through her rebellion knowing that God is doing the same for you.
For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you. Psalm 71:5,6
Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13:7
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 1 Peter 3:15,16
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